You're not angry, you're overstimulated
Suzie Jacobs
8/12/20241 min read

This is me.
It took me a while to work it out, thinking I was just angry with the kids all the time, but actually, I'm just overstimulated.
When you are trying to just get out the front door with 2 young children who are talking at you, not listening; the dog's barking; someone's shoes (which were on just a minute ago) are now somewhere in the garden; the dog has run off with shopping list and is ripping it up; your husband has automated everything in the house, so trying to turn off the radio requires a particular voice pitch that you haven't yet mastered; the youngest suddenly needs the toilet... again; you can't find the car key (it's in husband's trouser pocket from yesterday); your phone keeps beeping because another Mum wants a playdate (yes please)... And you're wishing the day away, for that moment of peace when they are all asleep.
You scream. "Can you just be quiet for 1 moment?"
You don't mean to, it just comes out.
Then your youngest starts crying because she didn't like Mummy's face when she yelled.
Mum Guilt kicks in. You didn't mean to shout, or upset anyone, you just needed a moment.
So you don't go do the shopping, instead you get out an activity to spend some quality time with the children and make up for the outburst.
Then they start fighting over who's turn it is, or he cheated, or she knocked over his playing piece.
And you go back to day dreaming about bedtime (or wine o'clock).
(I must say that there are fathers, grandparents, aunts, uncles, sisters, brothers, etc that are going through this too, I've purely written from my perspective. I salute anyone who is just trying to make it through the summer holidays in 1 piece.)
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